
Instructor Led Courses

Vendor Training

Thank you for your interest in doing business with the State of Delaware. Government Support Services is excited to offer a new compliment of training opportunities to businesses interested in doing business with the State.

Intelligence on State Purchasing: During this informative session we will explain:

  • why the State buys the way it buys;
  • the role of Government Support Services and central contracts;
  • purchase thresholds & procedures for needs outside of a central contract;
  • supplier diversity program opportunities; 
  • the when, where, how, and why behind formal solicitations; and
  • identify business intelligence that is available at your fingertips.

What to expect when…exploring a formal solicitation and after contract award: During this informative session we will look at a solicitation to:

  • identify key elements;
  • understand the timeline;
  • requirements for a proper submission; and
  • explain what happens after the bid opening.

This session will also provide key points for a successful contract, after award. To include, but not limited to:

  • communication;
  • price adjustments;
  • reporting;
  • late fees;
  • contract changes; and
  • extension negotiations.

Registration is free and now open through EventBrite.
